Welcome to the Resilience Factor Inventory®

The Resilience Factor Inventory® (RFI) is a 60 item questionnaire that will provide you with a score on each of the 7 Resilience Factors. When considering your responses, you should try to focus on work-related experiences over the last year or so. And don't over-think your responses - there are no right or wrong answers!

The RFI will take you about 10-15 minutes to complete. (You should complete the questionnaire in one sitting. If you cannot finish the survey, or if you need to re-print your results, you can return to the Welcome Page and log back in with your user id and pin.) After completing the RFI, you will have the opportunity to print your scoring graph and explanation page. The RFI is completely confidential and your results are not shared with anyone.

NOTE FOR EU USERS: Please be aware that this assessment may be processed and data may be housed on a third party server outside of the EU. Please see our Privacy Policy for more details.



First complete the following items, all fields required:

First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Position Title or Level
Email Address (User Id)
Email Address Confirm
Create pin code      Please create a 4 digit pin
Years In Current Organization
Years In Current Position
Years In This Industry
Password (case sensitive)  

 Please enter the password you received in your email invitation or found on your landing page.                           

Education Level
Your Gender

 Please rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 (1= low and 10= high) on how
 resilient you think you are:

 Please rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 (1= low and 10= high) on how
 satisfied you are, overall, in your job:
 Please rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 (1= low and 10= high) on how
 successful you think you are:
 Please rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 (1= low and 10= high) on how
 successful you think you will be in the future:


Next, please read these instructions and continue:

60 items will be presented, one at a time(see sample below). Please rate how true each item is for you
using the following scale, and clicking the button that most closely matches your
response. Then select the NEXT button at the bottom of the screen to continue to the
next question.
IMPORTANT: You should complete the questionnaire in one sitting. If you cannot
finish the survey you can log back in with your user id and pin.